Josh Coleman, Commercial Director of SWG Construction, said work was going well – with several interesting features being uncovered.
“We have been making good progress, with the mechanical and electrical first fix nearing completion in the Butchers Market, along with new perimeter stall ceilings and stud walls being installed,” he said.

“Underground drainage and ductwork have been installed ready to serve the new market stalls, and scaffolding has been erected for stone and chimney repairs.
“During the excavation work in the Butchers Market, the archaeologists discovered a wall which was documented before the excavation was backfilled, as well as various historic shopfronts which had previously been covered up.
“These are now being incorporated in refurbishing the new shop fronts. An original stone staircase has also been uncovered to the first-floor vaulted room. This is all being left in place and will be on view when the market reopens.”

He added: “Perimeter stalls in the Butchers Market are now being boarded and walls and ceilings being plastered over the coming weeks. Specialist stonemasons are repairing the façade and chimney on the High Street elevation.
“In the General Market, we are now decorating and installing steel and timber boarding. It’s really coming together and both markets will look great when they are reopened.”

Councillor Nigel Williams, Wrexham Council’s Lead Member for Economy and Regeneration, said: “Wrexham is riding the crest of a wave at the moment thanks to a growing global profile, and is welcoming more and more visitors from all over the world. This is a really exciting time for the city.
“So it’s vital that we continue to nurture and invest in these important city centre spaces. The markets are an integral part of Wrexham’s past and present, and will be just as important in the future.
“SWG Construction is making good progress with the renovation work, and I’m looking forward to seeing the project completed later this year.”