We carried out the project at the College’s Construction Centre, completing alterations to the existing training facility to provide much-needed additional teaching space.
The work has expanded and enhanced the on-campus construction training facility, helping the college to keep pace with growing demands as a state-of-the-art centre of learning excellence.

It is supported by the Strategic Development Fund, which enables education centres to reshape teaching and training provision and update facilities, and includes a practical workshop and two new classrooms at Telford College’s Wellington campus.
Our team used their experience of working in occupied premises to plan and coordinate the work to ensure minimal disruption was caused during daily activities at the college.

“ David Candlin, Telford College’s director of estates, said: “We’ve been very impressed with the way SWG approached the project.
“Health and safety and control of sub-contractors in shared areas has been managed really effectively, and the overall finish of the facility is of a high standard, with the additional facilities provided exceeding our initial expectations.
“The project provides a dedicated space for renewable technology courses, and to create and provide awareness raising courses for our own students.” “